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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. D

    Got infection in sanitized OJ bottles where i store mixed ingredients - was tipped in fermenters

    Got infection in sanitized OJ bottles where i store mixed ingredients - was tipped in fermenters Pls help I have used these bottles over several extract kits, never bothered to have a wiff of one, they were always sanitized. The kegged beer has sour off flavour that is same as the off-fruit...
  2. D

    Mixing Dry Malt and Dextrose in water and get to temp days before fermentation?

    So I mix the Dry Malt and Dextrose with boiling water and pour it straight into a sterilized Juice Bottle with good sealing lid and put in STC controlled brew fridge that has my 2 fermenters with the water needed inside for the extract kit im about to mix and add yeast, i leave this for...
  3. D

    Kits , adding LDME instead of Dextrose, need help adding hops

    So I made one up a kit that required 1kg of Dextrose to make it into a full strength Beer, all the rest of them only need 500g of Dextrose to make Full Strength, it end up tasting like a wine/beer, VERY Cidery (VERY). So I've worked out I need to be using LDME instead of Dextrose to stop this...