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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    Tapatalk still available?

    Hi, I've run a search and can see that Austin got Tapatalk hooked up for this forum around November last year. Unfortunately, when I'm on my phone (Samsung Galaxy Express) I can't seem to find it in a search, so I can't add it. Is it still available? Thanks, Ben
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    What Happened To Brigalow?

    Hi all, This might have already been talked to death on here, but I couldn't see anything about it when I did a quick search... I've been brewing Brigalow Apple Cider and Ginger Beer packs for about 12 years now, and love them every time, but I've got around to brewing one again, and can't...
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    Rekorderlig Wild Berries Cider

    Howdy all, My wife has tried Rekorderlig Wild Berries Cider from Dan Murphy's and has placed an order with me. I'm thinking that to replicate it I could try a Brigalow Apple Cider Kit (that's the one she's liked the most so far) and add a 1.5 kilo of frozen mixed berries from Aldi, pureed in...
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    Brewferm Framboos Question

    Hi all, Wanted to put a question or two to you. Firstly, I'm a little worried about a brew I have in the fermenter. Its a Brewferm Framboos which expired in Jan '08. I put two cans of it together, added 1 kilo a HBS brand 'Body Brew', and used the yeast that came with the kit. My SG was...
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    Turbo Washer Issues

    Hi there, Was just wondering if anybodys had any problems with their 'Turbowashers'? I bought one and set it up on hose ends using brass fittings from Bunnings, as per the photos below. I find that the turbo washer keeps coming off the end of the hose, spraying water all over the...
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    What Would You Charge For Your Ag Rig?

    Hi all, I've been looking at threads with people designing and building their own rigs and I'm wondering why I haven't seen many threads with people selling their old rigs? I'm guessing its coz most people recycle as many parts as possible when they upgrade to keep costs down. However, for...
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    Siphon Or Tap?

    Hi all, Was just wondering what the consensus is out there re using a siphon or a tap for bottling beer? Met a guy who owned a home brew shop who couldn't stop telling me all about how superior siphoning was to using a tap. Cheers!
  8. B


    Hi, Was just checking out the new system called 'Tap-A-Draft' from the mob at Was wondering if anybody had used this and could tell me if it was any good? Cheers
  9. B

    Possible Bottling Issue

    Hi all, Just wanted to run something by you all to see what you think... I've been using Brewcraft's "Keg & Line" cleaner to clean and sanitize my fermenter before mixing up kit and kilo batches. My bottles were starting to look a little cloudy, so I decided to clean and sanitize them using...
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    Explaining Recipes

    Hi there, Sorry to ask such newbie questions... Method: All Grain - I understand. People buy the grains, crack them, boil them etc Extract - I guess this is simply following the kits packs you buy in the supermarket Kit & Kilo - I guess this is using a kit pack from the supermarket and...
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    Bubbling Through Airlock

    Hey everybody, Thanks for taking the time to read this newbie question... I've been brewing using kits for a while, and I've just put one down using a Morgans Wheat Beer can, Morgans Malt Extract (Wheat), the yeast that came under the lid, and a satchel of Dry Enzyme. It addition, I also...