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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Keg and brewing set up for biab

    I am selling my whole biab set up as shown the photos. $350 pick up only mackay qld. Beer taps are pearless, 3 kegs , heaps of spares brew bag , 2 x external fridge thermostats keg cover , hydrometers. Gas canisters 2 full 1 empty wort cooler.
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    Birko 40 ltr urn with ball valve fitted

    I have a birko 40 ltr urn with ball valve for sale local pick up only mackay qld vgc $130
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    vac sealed milled grain, should i chuck it out?

    been of the brewing radar for about 8 months and have found a 4kg vac sealed bag of milled bb ale malt, should i cut my losses or will it still be ok for brewing. it looks fine but temps over summer here are 30-35deg, gonna order more from ross but thought i might get a start with this. also...
  4. M

    Beer Changing Bitternes

    i have experienced the same, normally a keg won't last that long to notice it but i have also noticed since i no longer filter that my beer is lasting much longer, been on holidays and the kegs in the fridge would be easy 2 months old and ony 1/4 full. i thought it may be vinegar flies on the...
  5. M

    The Hunt For Voille - Adelaide......

    you can but it blocks up pretty quick. better to get one of these from ross. very well made with a large rigid opening, i suspend mine with a large cable tie and hang off my stirring paddle (sitting on top of kettle)
  6. M

    Leaking Kettle - Help Needed

    i tried all the o'rings, flat seals but the only thing that worked was making a seal using thread tape not wound around the tread flat but by turning the tape roll on its side and use heaps to create a spongy seal between the s/s washer and the kettle, never leaked since.
  7. M

    Touring Time Approaches

    stating to rethink now so might pay woody point and coffs a visit and just bring some beach rods so i may leave the boat at tincan bay. thanks for the heads up.
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    Touring Time Approaches

    the relly's live at cooloola cove so may have to give it a whirl. i was actually down there last weekend to pick up the boat from burleigh (very quick trip) and took the time to visit and sample some nice brews from ross at craft brewer, bought some grain etc while i was there too, damn i didn't...
  9. M

    Touring Time Approaches

    sounds good, is the fishing any good around yamba?
  10. M

    Touring Time Approaches

    hi all, i am currently planning a holiday in late september to gold coast and northern nsw, for 2 weeks probably as far as yamba? i would appreciate any info on the area, best camping accom (caravan parks). best fishing as i will be taking my 4.5mt tinnie with me. i would love to meet a...
  11. M

    Ag Setup Or...

    if it helps sway your decision, i have been down the keggle and burner biab road but now use a 40ltr urn with exposed element (way easier to clean). cheaper than using gas and faster than my old 3 ring burner, the s/s is polished so any gunk just falls off, i usually fill with water and a cap of...
  12. M

    Bag Not Draining

    cold soak in unscented nappy san o/nite works for me, if i do a back to back brew with just a rinse, i notice it blocks up too.
  13. M

    RecipeDB - DrSmurto's Landlord

    have this fermenting atm but it has been 16 days now fg1016, is 1469 a slow fermenting yeast? also had no mo so used pearle.
  14. M

    Perlick Taps

    does anyone know where i can get hold of repair kits for these or are they just common o'rings, one has developed a small annoying drip but don't want too disassemble until i have the right bits to fix it as i don't have a spare tap. too long to order from u.s. cheers
  15. M

    Free At Dans: Beer Styles Booklet

    worst pale ale other than wingwalker i have ever tried, very treacley (syrupy) although maybe they don't know how to store/ rotate it, heaven forbid.... :rolleyes:
  16. M

    Free At Dans: Beer Styles Booklet

    i wonder if anyone at dans is reading the forum and even if they were would they really care?...... if a tree falls in a forest but nobody hears it............................... :rolleyes:
  17. M

    Free At Dans: Beer Styles Booklet

    nice guide for a freebie but can't blame people for not liking dans, 2 weeks ago my wife bought me a ctn of xxxx gold to take on a crabbing trip. bb date was july this year! competition to win a navara ute which was drawn around christmas, that pallet must of been stuck at the back, just...
  18. M

    Recipe Wanted

    oh, i forgot to mention i used flowers instead of pellets , smell is divine :icon_drool2: but wished i'd ordered more, ross is out.
  19. M

    Recipe Wanted

    the recipe was this one: Doesn't get much easier than this, and the result is a cracker.... OG: 1046-1050 90% Base malt 10% Munich 1 or Carapils 15-20 IBU's at 30min 15-20 IBU's at 15min Whirlfloc at 5min Ferment at 17/18 with Danstar Nottingam Mash at 65/66 should end up at just shy of 5%...