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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. dickTed

    Bottles Up For Grabs

    Hi gang. Haven't been around for a while. Only make about 5 or 6 brews a year now. Don't drink so much any more due to medication, and it takes me a month or two to drink a keg. I only make the fresh wort kits these days so I'm not a real home-brewer. Anyway, I have 80 large bottles that I got...
  2. dickTed

    Commercial Beer Crown Seal Bottles

    I thought screw tops were a manifestation of the evolution of technology, reflecting the development of human intelligence :lol:
  3. dickTed

    Hop Growing For Beginners, Tips And Traps

    In it's first season it will only produce a few skinny vines, and not many flowers - if any at all. This is when it needs TLC. Second season is a different matter.
  4. dickTed

    Ebay Hops

    This was an ebay purchase from last year. It was either a seedling or a clone, and came in a small coke bottle with some potting mix and straw. It took a while to get going, and was rather unspectacular. Totalled about 30 flowers. As you can see from the photo, it will do better this year.
  5. dickTed

    American Beers

    Reckon the Arrogant ******* would be worth a try. I'd just love to have one of them bottles.
  6. dickTed

    How Do You Control The Hotbreak?

    Sometimes I get an attempted boilover. This happened a couple of times when I put a hop bag in at the 30 min mark, but more often when I add the last 2kg of liquid extract after a 60 min boil, and bring to the boil again. Doesn't bother me because I only keep it boiling for another 5 - 10 mins...
  7. dickTed

    Over Carbonation

    Thanks. It's OK now, but I've taken to closing the shutoff valve when I'm not pouring a beer - just until I can judge the pressure properly. I only have 3 or 4 (425ml) glasses an evening.
  8. dickTed

    Solids On Top Of Wort In Primary

    I've had floaties in brews. Looked like cork fragments through the condensation. All were suspended in the top inch of brew. Still floating when racked, but the floaties stuck to the side of the primary fermenter as I racked it. Secondary was clear. Drank OK.
  9. dickTed

    Over Carbonation

    This is my first kegfull. It took a couple of days to carbonate properly on 100kpa, but now after about a week or more, it's become over carbonated. I have it out of the fridge, giving it the shake and release, as recommended earlier in this topic. In future, once a keg is carbonated to the...
  10. dickTed

    Milk Crates

    There are free crates out front of most milk bars.
  11. dickTed

    The Royston - Richmond Vic

    This topic hasn't been around for a while but I dropped in with me mate to the Lambs Go Bar in Fitzroy. He only had 2 feature beers on tap. St Arnou pilsener and 3 Ravens bronze. I tried the pilsener first. We'd just prior been to the JS Portland pub brewery, and we both reckoned the St Arnou...
  12. dickTed

    Just One Question

    Went to the newly appointed keg fridge this morning, to see if my first keg was cold and carbonated. Went and got a large glass (and a bucket for the first squirt - just in case). Everything worked perfectly. Poured a nice beer - not quite enough head, but close. Just one question fellas. How...
  13. dickTed

    First Keg Advice

    Thanks Linz. I had the keg in fridge overnight. When I connected the gas to it the reg it worked OK. Now it's in the fridge at 300kpa, with the fridge door closed over the gas line. I connected the pluto, and that's in the fridge too. Grouse.