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  1. Goose

    KegLand Questions and Answers

    Thanks for the reply. I seems I should have done more research taking into account conicals designed for hot climates. In any case, I think you have answered my question in that the G20 will be fine if I can limit heat ingress to match the cooling power of the unit. Unfortunately I cannot...
  2. Goose

    KegLand Questions and Answers

    Yes I gathered that was a kind of "how long is a piece of string" kind of question and your response is a fair one. The conical I purchased is a Brewtools one and therefore extortionate rather than cheap and it is sold with a neoprene jacket that seems the same thickness as your Brewzilla /...
  3. Goose

    KegLand Questions and Answers

    G’day G’day… The G20 has caught my eye and want to know if it has the capability that I am looking for and would be grateful for any advice.... I have a 150L capacity conical and plan to ferment 110 l batches holding 12 C in an ambient of up to 30C. I also have a 200L water tank which I...
  4. Goose

    Dedicated Braumeister Guide, Problems & Solution Thread

    brewtools is top down. The bottom up, as far as I can see is unique to the braumeister.
  5. Goose

    Dedicated Braumeister Guide, Problems & Solution Thread

    Has anybody had a chance to see or try out the new BM models ? As far as I can see they have finally upgraded their controller (which hopefully fixes that godawful misting problem that seemed to cause...
  6. Goose

    Show us your meat!

    from my experience you going to need more than 12 for that size.... i'm reckoning 16 hrs at 225F in 'merican.... just my 2c. here was my last attempt for a 3 kg chunk, still did it 14 hours....
  7. Goose

    The NEIPA thread

    Yo Truman, have you posted the recipe for this , if not , like to see it. My attempt with Kveik so far have yielded a beer way more bitter than I was expecting and I attribute that to how aggressive this strain is as it just seemed to chew through the malt character leaving only the hops behind.
  8. Goose

    Diacetyl or infection

    yep, I get this i get this too finishing around 4.4 I oxygenate inline during wort transfer to the fementer with pure O2 now you are beginning to lose me (though at least you qualified your statement)... you mentioned above its reaction, yes it is, and the lower the temperature, the...
  9. Goose

    Diacetyl or infection

    very fair points and fully agree its an issue with yeast but I still ponder what I might be doing wrong with the step ups given I had precisely the same issue even pitching dried lager yeast both rehydrated and directly in different trials. To add, I could solve the problem by "krausening"...
  10. Goose

    Diacetyl or infection

    Thanks Mark, but I am confident in my sanitation procedures and have been as meticulous as I can in my pitching rates by stepping up to well above what the calculators say is the minimum. I had this problem almost repeatably and never ruled out bacterial infection though never tasted any other...
  11. Goose

    Diacetyl or infection

    sorry I disagree. infection can be a cause but in my experience it has always been the existence of the diacetyl precursor called AAL (alpha aceto lactate). This is formed in the fermentation process but is tasteless. It should be reabsorbed by the yeast at the end of the fermentation process...
  12. Goose

    Dry hopping cylinder

    I used pellets. As said the problem is they float to the top of the cylinder, expand and form a plug. Useless, at least for me.
  13. Goose

    Dry hopping cylinder

    Anybody tried using one of these ? I thought I'd give it a try, since I tend to re-use my yeast cake and while effective, loose dry hopping makes an awful mess of it. While the volume of the cylinder can easily accommodate a decent dosage of hops (i aim for 4 g/litre) when I tried it I found...
  14. Goose

    Fermenting Under Pressure

    thanks Dr WEAL. I am closed system and about as LDO as can be, from boiler the beer never sees air until it comes from my dispensing taps. Fully note the effect of temperature and pressure but for lagers I think its mostly about the viability and cell count of the yeast which of course is a...
  15. Goose

    Fermenting Under Pressure

    Just my 2c of experience. I tried fermenting my lagers under pressure but in all honesty could not notice any difference in the end result. So I went back to atmospheric fermentation. Dr WEAL, I do apologize I havnt read all 292 posts but you seem to be onto something here, can you summarise...