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  1. mkortink

    Earthy Mushroomy Taste?

    OK, this is what i have done and i will post the result, could be disgusting or could be heaven. I have kept the rest of the recipe basic so i can distinguish whether the mushrooms have had an effect. To get the earthy english part i produced the wort using a Coopers English Bitter kit with 1kg...
  2. mkortink

    Earthy Mushroomy Taste?

    Hi all, thanks for the great ideas. Think the answer may be: - 1) mix of safale s04 and a farmyard brett yeast. 2) brown or copper english kit. 3) mushroom broth into wort. 4) fuggles for taste and aroma, medium bittering hops. Does that sound right? Cheers
  3. mkortink

    Earthy Mushroomy Taste?

    Hi, on a road trip through the UK a few years ago i stopped in a pub and had a beer that could only be described as tasting like mushrooms and having this amazing earthiness. My question is, for a kit brewer who also steeps grains and prepares hop recipes, how do you give an english brew an...
  4. mkortink

    Making yeast happy and productive

    Thanks Rocker1986, brilliant guidance.
  5. mkortink

    Making yeast happy and productive

    Thanks, I had more of a fish around as well and found these sites, all great info.
  6. mkortink

    Making yeast happy and productive

    Hi, there is a lot of specific info about yeast and pitching in different forums, but what i am after is a general overview for using yeast to best effect. What are these little yeastie animals like, what stresses them, is stress good sometimes, how tough are they, etc. So i am a kit brewer and...
  7. mkortink

    English Bitter like Honey Rider's

    Ended up using 60m 20g motuere hops 45m 10g ditto 15m 15g east kent goldings hops 5m 10g ditto 0m 8g ditto Dry 8g fuggles 30m 250g crystal med 250g caramunich 2l water 75deg 1kg dextrose 500g dry malt extract 2pks safale 04 yeast ar 25geg 1pk enzyme 25l wort on topup
  8. mkortink

    English Bitter like Honey Rider's

    Hi, I had an english best bitter at Honey Rider in Neutral Bay NSW in the weekend and want to copy it using extract kits and the standard "23 litres in a bucket" method. The best bitter had a wonderful "mushroom" taste, think this taste may be referred to as biscuity by the experts? The brewer...
  9. mkortink

    Plastic bottles leaking during secondary fermentation

    The final SG was 1020 which is pretty high, so I am going to put this down to human error leading to extreme pressure in the bottles due to some primary fermentation sugars remaining during the secondary fermentation, but it is still a mystery where the beer actually escaped from, my guess is...
  10. mkortink

    Plastic bottles leaking during secondary fermentation

    Thanks for your replies. I usually do pretty fancy brews with all the right ingredients, this one was a quick and dirty to get some summer quaffing beer, hence the white sugar (currently doing a Stone & Wood Pacific Ale as per recipe on this website). I have been using the same caps maybe 4...
  11. mkortink

    Plastic bottles leaking during secondary fermentation

    I use and reuse plastic 740ml bottles from Coopers and Brew Cellar and have never had a problem. My last batch though has done something weird, 4 of the 30 bottles have leaked most of their contents during secondary fermentation. The bottles were stored upright, there is no crack in the plastic...