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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. S

    Ginger beer - pour the bottle all in one go?

    Thanks Rob, that's pretty much how I do it too, was interested to see peoples opinions or if there's a golden rule of clear vs cloudy. I tried clear and it just felt wrong to me for some reason without the cloudy colour but Ill demo both ways with the lastest batch prior to giving out to the...
  2. S

    Ginger beer - pour the bottle all in one go?

    Hey guys, Quick question here: so I made another batch of Ginger beer half way through this year for Christmas presents and was wondering, do you pour ginger beer tallies all out in one go like beer avoiding disturbing the settlement the down the bottom? Or is it better to give it a turn before...
  3. S

    Ginger beer - I killed it L:( halp?

    sweet. Thanks again for all your help hey. Learnt some big lessons on this one but we'll see how it turns out.
  4. S

    Ginger beer - I killed it L:( halp?

    what's cooked mean mate? dead?
  5. S

    Ginger beer - I killed it L:( halp?

    Hey guys, so I took a reading last night... And then once again another reading this morning... which it seems to be sitting pretty steadily riiiiiiiiigggggghhhhht about here... Also had a taste and other than seeming a little bit weaker than my others it tastes pretty okay :) so what...
  6. S

    Ginger beer - I killed it L:( halp?

    Thanks Liam, might take some readings on Sunday and Monday and see how it looks. Ill post up some pics as I might need help on what it all means haha
  7. S

    Ginger beer - I killed it L:( halp?

    Hello supreme court of brewing love, I have a confession to make, its been a while since I been back on here but everything's been going so smooth with my brewing... -until- I decided to make a batch of ginger beer the usual way I do where I buy a kit from the LHB and add some flavours to the...
  8. S

    2nd attempt @ Ginger Beer kit + Additions

    Wow. Colony West ay? Ill see if they have it at brewers Choice. Might grab some online, Thanks for the hot tip! Really diggin GB as a side hobby to my beer crazy :beerbang: So heres an update of my GB. I tried it 5 days ago and tasted good I think? :unsure: The problem now is my lack of...
  9. S

    2nd attempt @ Ginger Beer kit + Additions

    hahahha Thanks Dave :lol: Pure Blonde was to watch the belly line and to try something other than Fat Yak recipes.. Yeah Ill do a test tonight Im pretty sure its not infected but would it definitly be noticable if it was bad?? HB Ginger beer is a bit of an aquired taste anyways.
  10. S

    2nd attempt @ Ginger Beer kit + Additions

    Hey Guys, Havent been around these parts for a while.. BUT IM BACK!! So as the topic mentions I had a crack at a Brewers Choice Ginger Beer last time which came out awesome (well as good as a kit gets I guess) So I picked up another one whilst adding a few additions of around 800gms fresh...
  11. S

    Non-alcho Ginger Beer

    Hi guys, geez havent been around here for a while! Been too busy playing around with Fat Yak recipes :P So after successfully nailing the GB kit recipe (i know I know its a kit, you cant F%#K it up - I did but it was still good..) and having a significant amount of ginger in the fridge about...
  12. S

    Non-alcho Ginger Beer

    Had the same problem bro. I found the longer I left it bottled the more the smell slowly left the GB. By the end of about 5 months you couldnt smell it at all it was perfect!!
  13. S

    Non-alcho Ginger Beer

    Thanks mate, appreciate the advice. The "dry ingriedients" that were added would have the sugar amount in it (from what I could see by eye for the carbing) Im just unsure how much sugar is in there. If I add more would I run the risk of bottle bombs? I guess I could just drop a carb drop in each...
  14. S

    Non-alcho Ginger Beer

    Hey guys, Sorry to be a pain and asking the annoying things, trust me Ill be going through and reading the guides before my second attempt. I just decided to try out a batch of non-alcoholic Ginger Beer yesterday when I was picking up my beer supplies so I got a kit from the LHBS Brewers...
  15. S

    What Happens If You Drink Infected Beer!?

    Sounds good, have to try this when I get back from Japan. Wonder if they sell any crazy kits over there?? I like the hops taste so definitely keen to amp that up. Do you buy the hops as pellets and just add that to the steeping liquid? as for the yeast is one sachet enough or do you need 2 or...