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  1. S

    malt pipe for crown 40l urn

    I’ve been biab’ing for around 6 brews now in a crown 40l urn. As a next step up to this kit, I was wondering whether retrofitting the urn to use the Robobrew malt pipe setup such I can recirculate? There are a lot of fans of the Robobrew and recirculation systems but surprisingly I don’t see...
  2. S

    Beersmith 3 adjustments

    Thanks everyone - all good info. I'll keep at BS until Ive gotten the hang of it all, for now, ill follow each recipe and dial in the settings. Like you all, Ill pick up on the patterns
  3. S

    Beersmith 3 adjustments

    75 mins boil time. One thing I haven't accounted for is the 4% margin, so i was measuring the amount of wort in the kettle at around 90 degrees or so I am sure. With the crown, at the boiling rate, there isnt really a way to boil slowly :) its either on or off. I boil fully with teh lid off...
  4. S

    Beersmith 3 adjustments

    Thanks Leyther, yea makes sense, 2% on 31L is around 620ml, so close enough. I know that start mash temp was 67.1 and end mash was 66.1 over 75 minutes so only 1 degrees over 75 mins. I never started as kit and kilo so jumped straight into AG so not having a few sessions behind me I haven't yet...
  5. S

    Beersmith 3 adjustments

    Hi All, After a period of getting the brewhouse together with Fermentrack/iSpindel/fermentation fridge, kettle, fermentor, odds and ends I finally had the first AG brew day on Friday. Think it went well, fairly close to numbers I think? - Pre boil was 1.047 and expected 1.046 and OG was 1.057...