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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. S

    My New Tap And Foaming Troubles, Can Anyone Give Me Advice?

    I recently installed a new celli tap (my precious) on my fridge the other day and am having foaming problems galore when trying to pour myself a beer. If I'm lucky I may get 1/3 of a glass of beer and 2/3 foam (if I'm lucky). Here's some figures that may or may not help you to help me out: Beer...
  2. S

    Keg System Prices - Does This Sound Good To You.

    I've decided to bite the bullet and splash out on a keg system. For $380 on offer is: 2 X 18 litre kegs, regulator, hoses, connectors and a beer gun and a 4.5 kilo co2 bottle with 12 month rental agreement with air liquid. I have not yet got a dedicated beer fridge, so at this stage am not...
  3. S

    My First Ag Is Now Finished

    Started my first ever ag yesterday at around 6pm. I couldn't start any earlier coz I had other things to do, and I was so hyped up, I couldn't wait untill today to do it. I had 5kg of joe white pilsner malt in my tun, with ~12.5 litres of water. I found it hard to get a "true" temperature...
  4. S

    Bottling After Cold Conditioning?

    Just a query with bottling my pilseners. After cold conditioning/lagering in the fridge for several weeks @ 2c, does letting the brew warm up to ambient temps negate a lot/some of the effect of the cold conditioning itself. I ask this because all of my past brews have been cold conditioned...
  5. S

    Pilsener's....and Bottle Conditioning

    What would the recommended length of time be for bottle conditioning? I've made a half a dozen or so pilseners lately, with my "oldest" batch conditioning in their bottles for 4 months now. The others pilsener batches werre more recently bottled ~ 3months, 2.5months, 2months, 1month and one just...
  6. S

    3kg Esb Pils + 500gm Malt.....= 1.085 Og?

    I've just put down en ESB 3kg can kit of Czech Pilsener with some malt and starter. Procedure was: 1.5 lt of 75c water poured over combined malts and kept at between 55c - 68c for 1 1/4 hours. this was poured into another saucepan, with anothe 2 litres of hot water poured through the grain...
  7. S

    Where Can I Find These Beers In Melb?

    I'm DESPERATELY trying to get hold of these brews in Geelong or Melbourne (though I think I've tried everywhere in Geel): Gambrinus, Ursus Premium, Budweiser Budvar, and Radegast Premium. Anyone know of any places in Melb where I could get these from? Cheers :)
  8. S

    When To Lager/rack My Esb Czech Pilsner?

    G'day guys, My first post on these forums. I've just got back into home brewing again and started an ESB 3kg Czech Pilsner kit last Saturday. I've kept the temp at around 12c , with the temp varying down to maybe 10.5c up to 12.5c. The initial gravity reading was somewhere around 1.055 or...