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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. D

    Keg Blocked

    I had a search and looked at peoples posts about a blocked keg from hops. With tips like putting the gas on the beer line to flush out the hops stuck. Looking from these pictures, I'm not sure that it will work. I put 30g of hop pellets in, in two hop balls (15g each...
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    Leaving sodium perc in plastic for weeks?

    I'm looking to get a 48L storage tub (here: ) and fill it with bottles and sodium perc. Weeks later I'll brew a new batch, rinse the sodium perc off and bottle. Is there a problem with this logic? Would it be an issue to leave sodium perc in a plastic...
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    WTB 40L Urn - Melbourne

    No strong preferences of brand. Cheers.
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    Strawberry Cider

    I've tried brewing a few ciders, only with aldi juice, yeast and extras. I've decided to experiment with strawberrys as I saw them 5kg for $10 near Monbulk, Vic. I have used raspberrys in the past and have found them nice. I found that the flavour seems to decrease with how long it has been...
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    Layer of gunk on top of cider?

    Recipe: 10 AJ from ALDI 9L AJ+Pear from Coles Pitched onto 250ml of yeast slurry of S-04. Yeast Nutrient Pitch at 21 degrees on 4/3/2014 Current temp is 16 degrees. Previous recipe was a cider and used apples. There was some mush in the yeast, I didn't try to strain them out. Should I have? The...