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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. R

    Keg King Pumps

    Does anyone know where you can get new impellers for these, as I have one that have got a bit off shaped and won't turn
  2. R

    Temp probe location

    In the middle of getting everything together for a 3V build, now I am going to use a hems coil in a separate vessel for the hex and am going to put a temp probe in the mash tun and also on the hex, where would be the best place to put the probes and to take the mash temp reading from, I am...
  3. R

    Inline Refractometer

    Has anyone achieved this on a home brew scale or is there a unit that would be suitable for home brew scale as I am thinking about adding something like this to a new rig I am getting the bits together to build and want to err on the side of control freak with it
  4. R

    Adjustable racking arm

    Just about to start building some 50L kegs into pressure capable conicals and was thinking about fitting adjustable racking arms to them, can't really find any plans other than one image on the web, does anyone have a detailed image or the likes I can borrow to work out the bits required?
  5. R

    Mosaic and Citra, best use in an IPA

    I have been tasked with a dirty big hoppy IPA for a mates 50th this year so looked at the freezer and I have 500g each of these hops that have been sitting there for a few months and need some use, I have never used either so was thinking about a 6% IPA that is just a hop bomb, so the reading I...
  6. R

    Herms Coil Sizing

    Just getting together the bits to finally build a 3V herms rig and was going to use a combo of gas and electric, In the HLT I am going to run a herms coil just so I don't need to make another vessel to house the herms coil, now what size coil would suit I am going with a 100L HLT and 100L Mash...
  7. R

    Fitting ball valves on new pots

    Ok so I am building a new brewery with 100L pots and am about to drop them down to get some fittings welded into them and was wondering if there was some clever calculation as to how far from the bottom one should attach the valves or is it just a matter of chuck them on where ever?
  8. R

    Sparge Arm Size

    Just getting some kit together to build a direct fired 3v setup with 100L pots and going to use a rotating sparge arm setup I am about to build like this one question I can't seem to find the answer too...
  9. R

    Transferring ingredients to new Beersmith install

    for the life of me I just can't seem to get my ingredients list over from my old Beersmith install, spent the last hour searching and nothings working, got my recipes and everything else sorted but can't get the bloody grains to come on down, Can anyone help please as its doing my head in
  10. R

    Whats the highest OG brew anyone has squeezed out of a BM

    just wondering as I have been having some grief tryng to get a 1.090 brew out of my BIAB rig and don't see any need to go 3V other than bigger beers that maybe a Braumeister might be the go if I am going to invest some coin in some new kit, So just wondering whats the biggest brew anyone has...
  11. R

    When to harvest yeast, Primary or Secondary

    Been doing a bit of reading on this subject and can't come up with difinitive answer to this, Now I have been harvesting yeast but have read that some folk do it from the primary fermenter and others do it from the secondary fermentation, some say that secondary is better as there is less break...