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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Wall

    Dry Hop in Fermenter Advice

    Hi folks, looking for some advice on a small issue I am having. Last night I added 120gm of pellet hops to 23L of a Rye IPA I have in the fermenter at present. I've not often added this level of dry hop for a long time but my method with smaller amounts is usually just to throw the pellets in...
  2. Wall

    Water Test Kits

    Hi all, Does anyone here have a suggestion for water test kits for brewing? Currently have Ph meter and test kit for my aquaponics which is all about ammonium and nitrites. Doesn't offer anything meaningful for brewing but would like a similar test kit for my brewing. About halfway through...
  3. Wall

    IBU and post boil dilution

    Hi, I've got a question about calculating IBUs for a "diluted" recipe. I've just got my hands on a 60 L fermenter and aim to brew all grain to my setups capacity (max of around 25L to the fermenter) and then fill the fermenter to get 47L after trub loss. (2 x 19L kegs, 1 x 9L). Hoping this...
  4. Wall

    Yeast Nutrient and loss to Kettle leftovers.

    Hi all, I've just put a Belgian Dubbel into the fermenter OG 1065 and have used Wyeast nutrient for the first time. (Pretty much an impulse buy standing in line when I bought my Candy Sugar yesterday) I mixed up a half teaspoon and threw in with my last hop addition at 15 min along with...
  5. Wall

    Thankyou All Grain Brewing

    Just got home after almost a fortnight working away and sat down with the first pint of my first all grain American IPA. God it's fantastic. Nothing wrong with extract but the last few batches of all grain I've done have been far and away far better than any extract brew I've ever made. Just...
  6. Wall

    Pilsener Malt Gravity Question

    Hi All I've been brewing all grain about 7 or 8 months now and all has been going reasonably well (few hits and a few misses but learning a hell of a lot the whole time, slowly getting better) Latest batch has me stumped on my gravity readings though. I've just put down a Mountain Goat Steam...