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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. homebrewnewb

    FS: Beer festival ticket(s)30$ each up to 5 - Collingwood, Melbourne. 11-5 4th of Feb (thats a SUNDAY) PM for details - thanks.
  2. homebrewnewb

    Attn: NE Suburbs Melb. AHB'ers. Mobile Gypsy ahoy!

    Hi there local, fellow brewers! (FBs) as i have just finished up my last brew for the year - i've had a little brain wave and wondered why i can't keep brewing... ... no reason i can find. at home i run a little 100L direct gas fire system. ~80L in the FV once it's all said and done maybe a...
  3. homebrewnewb

    not sure where this belongs

    But when they aren't busy keeping us alive with mavelous pollination. THROW THEM IN THE WORT
  4. homebrewnewb

    WTB 3/4" - 19mm stainless fittings

    Hi fellas. I am having trouble sourcing stainless fittings for my boil kettle. It's for the pickup port to be specific. I am looking at they seem to have most of what i am after. and am not able to see 3/4" bits on any from the sponsor sites. I know there are a...
  5. homebrewnewb

    OG over shot by few point?

    I am understandably a little confused here. I was brewing on Sat, and admittedly i fell over a few times, i am pretty sure i did not hit my head. wood plus water plus slope incline = slippery. I even had my good boots on i swear. Anyway, i was cubing up and i took a reading to add to the notes...
  6. homebrewnewb

    HARD! Lemonade

    Howdy there, Do you have lemons on a tree like mine, occasionally molested by damn marsupials? Do you have kids piffing lemons at unsuspecting neighbors? Have you often though, damn i should getting more bang for buck out of my lemons to life ratio? I pilfered this from BrewCraft so all...
  7. homebrewnewb

    thoughts on stout recipe

    Good morning Aus Brewers, and to any other folks applicable salutations on your time zone. I am fluffing around with something between a Dry Irish Stout And Extra Foreign aiming for a bit over 6% with real malt complexity, hence the grain bill. I don't have access to BeerSmith at the moment, so...
  8. homebrewnewb

    Lady complains of lizard in beer...

    ... CUB correct her. Dicks.
  9. homebrewnewb

    Melbourne HDPE 20L cubes w/ bung

    Hi Cubers, anyone interested in Melbourne interested in getting in on bulk buys for the above? looking at ordering from people in plastic for approx 6$ per unit (over orders) of 10, postage @ 30$ brings it up to 10$ approx. if so, i am going in for 10 just because of the above pricing, just...
  10. homebrewnewb

    seem's as good a place as any to say hello

    gday all, just thought i'd put a hello in here, new to the forums and such. pretty excited to be along. really been a great read here over the last few lurker months, so thought i would i best join in. just asking for a bit of prod in the right direction on the forums, of if anyone has any...