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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. LethalCorpse

    Floating dip tube optimisation

    I'm seriously considering diving into keg fermentation, so I'm looking at floating dip tubes. I want to put these in my serving kegs too. I have a concern with how to use them without losing a lot of beer though. All the ones I've seen suspend the end of the tube on a hook, an inch or two...
  2. LethalCorpse

    Gas Threads

    Bloody phone. Photos Reassembing a barbie and having real trouble with a fitting. Looks like a standard SAE thread, but no amount of abuse will cause it to engage. On close inspection it looks like it's been cross threaded - there's a fine groove in the peak...
  3. LethalCorpse

    Things Of Beauty

    So, I went shopping yesterday...
  4. LethalCorpse

    Cheapest Way To Send Kegs Interstate

    Buying two kegs in the marketplace, and trying to figure out how to get them from Townsville to Sydney. We've been talking about pack&send, but I suspect the quote will be fairly hefty. When my parents in law had a manufacturing business I used to just use their toll ipec account, but since I...
  5. LethalCorpse

    Spent Grain As Animal Feed

    We've got a dozen or so horses that cost a fair bit to feed. I'm wondering if it would be worthwhile throwing in spent grain to offset part of their feed. Are we taking out all the nutrients, carbs and proteins in there, or is there enough leftover that an equine gut could make use of it? If it...
  6. LethalCorpse


    Hi folks, I'm in Dunedin this week for a mate's wedding on Saturday. We've been out to a different pub/brewery/restaurant every night, and I've thus far gone from one interesting beer to another. Seems microbreweries have taken off down here more than at home. Highlights would be the speights...
  7. LethalCorpse

    Keg Gauge Vs Reg

    I've got a keg that some mates knocked together years ago which has a pressure gauge on the gas inlet, and inline ballvalves on the gas and beer lines. It's also got a copper coil for use in an esky as a makeshift magic box. In true undergrad fashion, it's held together with epoxy and spit, but...
  8. LethalCorpse

    Refrigerator Modification For Fun And Profit

    Went to put my Maerzen to sleep at lager temps for a few weeks today, and got a bit concerned that my fridge might not go that low. I turned the fridge and freezer thermostats down as low as they would go, but still didn't trust this to be low enough. So I got out the screwdriver for a wee poke...
  9. LethalCorpse

    Maerzen Hop Schedule

    I'm about to put down a maerzen for Oktoberfest drinking (if it lasts that long). I've got 1.7kg LDME, 1kg munich malt, 1.5kg morgans amber, 100g of 5.7% pearle, and 100g of 2.5% Hallertau for a 21L batch. Only thing we didn't work out before I left the LHBS was the hop schedule. If I do a 6L...
  10. LethalCorpse


    So, I went down to the storeroom to check final gravity, drop temp to crash chill and then get the keg cleaned out. I think I must've not pushed the fermenters far enough back in, so that when the door shut, the drawer at the bottom of the door wedged against one or both taps, putting downward...
  11. LethalCorpse

    Need Beer, Stat!

    Howdy folks, I've not brewed in a while as I'm trying to maintain the motivation for my AG assembly. But a mate has sprung a party on me at short notice, and I want to produce a keg to help him out if I can. I want to put down a double batch tomorrow and have it pouring and drinkable by the 20th...
  12. LethalCorpse

    Phase Change Chiller Discussion

    In addition to being a homebrewer, I'm also something of a computer geek - I found this site through the homebrew thread on Overclockers Australia. The sometimes extreme ways in which we cool our CPUs have led to some interesting rumination in the area of chillers. My first (and probably most...
  13. LethalCorpse

    Hosetails & Compression Fittings

    So, I've finally stopped pulling my pud and put together a spreadsheet detailing precisely which parts I need for my rig. It's all coming from Geordi, as I've not found anyone that can beat them without calling a million suppliers and pretending to be a contractor in need of a pilot system with...
  14. LethalCorpse

    Partially Filling Kegs

    Are there any major problems with underfilling kegs? For example, if the biggest batch you can brew on your rig (without shooting high and watering down) is 30L, are there any issues with then putting this batch in a 50L keg? Will it present difficulties for any of the standard carbing methods...
  15. LethalCorpse

    False Bottom Properties

    So I've got this thing which has been kicking around in the draw for about five years. I believe it started life as a steamer or colander designed to sit in assorted sizes of pot. It's eleven inches across, and the outer 2.5in of it is a set of overlapping hinged plates which allow it to open...
  16. LethalCorpse

    When Is A Stainless Valve Not A Stainless Valve?

    Just a heads up, be wary of these ballvalves on fleabay. I asked the seller in a previous sale what grade stainless they were, and he said "Not sure could be brass and coated in stainless or nickle, should be OK!". Well, no it shouldn't. Either it's stainless, or it's not. He's unlikely to be...
  17. LethalCorpse

    Wa Brewer Builds Stonehenge "because He Can"

    Someone's been at the trippels... link
  18. LethalCorpse

    Much Stainless Bling On Grays

    EDIT: Nevermind, just spotted the gray's thread in the marketplace
  19. LethalCorpse

    [syd] Wtb: Assorted Ag Gear

    Hi guys, trying to put together my AG kit, and scouring lots of places for parts. Figured I'd post here what I'm looking for, if you've got any of it surplus, let me know. Name your price, if I'm happy I'll take it. Will pickup pretty much anywhere in Sydney for the bigger bits, pp interstate...
  20. LethalCorpse

    How To Make A Wit

    Hi guys, I've run a search on this and come up empty handed, but it looks to be a common enough goal that it's probably been discussed before. Apologies if I'm repeating anyone. I'm working towards the objective of all-grain, but it's a big investment in equipment and design (I plan to have...