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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Maple

    It's been too long - For Sale - stuff

    Hey all. Former regular around AHB, but that's going back a fair few years. Haven't touched my brewing kit for at least 6 years now, and although I had hoped to get back into it, I don't see that happening. So rather than just continually shift stuff around to make room for things, I figure...
  2. Maple

    700l Chest Freezer (fs Melb)

    Anyone in the market for a 700L Chest Freezer? This is the same size (believe make and model too) as the one Citymorgue2 has done up into a 10 keggerator unit - see his link in signature for more details on conversion (or click here). Just about to move house, and there is zero allocation...
  3. Maple

    May Meeting

    Guys, Just a reminder that the May meeting we will going through the experiment (and more importantly - the results) of the Chill vs No Chill brew. Explanation of what, why, and how will be discussed, but we want you to see how much, if any difference it can may make. Blind tasting of course...
  4. Maple

    Hallertau Hops - I Think They Are Off

    Does anyone with experience in Hallertau hops know if they are supposed to smell like blue cheese - this is the first time I've used them, but all the descriptors I've read indicate nice things, not cheesey. It's also the first time I've had a cheesey smelling hop. what's the cause? are they...
  5. Maple

    Brew In A Bag Meets German Engineering

    As seen on another forum, have a look at This I find myself reconsidering this 3 vessel system now... (not really though)
  6. Maple

    Keeping Sport On Free-to-air

    If you're interested read on.... A new marketing campaign has come along to keep sport (all sport we currently enjoy) available on free to air TV. The following is from a website set up for this campaign: Watching sport on free-to-air TV is something most of us take for granted; unlike in...
  7. Maple

    [vic] Where Can I Get Old Milwaukee

    a question for those in or around Melb, has onyone seen Old Milwaukee in their travels to the bottle-o? it for a Special occasion that I'd rather not go into, but would really appreciate if anyone knows where I can get this.
  8. Maple

    Wyeast 2112 Cali Lager

    Does anyone out there have any experience with the Wyeast 2112, specifically looking for info on what to expect from fermenting this below its stated 'optimum' range? I have a 1.050 OG batch which I cooled down to 16 deg, pitched the yeast, let her go for 2 days @ 16, and have now moved it out...
  9. Maple

    Melbourne - Grain Bulk Buy June 09

    Let me start my saying thanks to all who registered interest, and to those who paved the way in previous BBs. Judging by the interest...Its on again. Bulk buy prices as per the attached pdf file. The grains are again being supplied by Grain and Grape and p/up will be from their premises, at...
  10. Maple

    Interest In Melb Grain Bulk Buy?

    Not sure how everyone is sitting with regards to grain quantities, but I could use a top-up. Just wanted to gather interest in setting up another Vic quantity purchase. If there is significant interest here, I am happy to approach one of our site sponsors to see if they would be willing to...
  11. Maple

    Connex Wishes To Advise

    we are looking into it...
  12. Maple

    Stalled Ferment

    Here's the situation, made an Irish Red a few weeks back using 1084, and achieved ~74% attenuation. happy enough with that, I brewed a RIS to which I added to the yeast cake, figuring it'll need a fair amount of the yeasties to chew through an OG of 1.104. so here we are 2 weeks down the track...
  13. Maple

    Any Ideas On What This Is?

    I was just out walking around at lunch, and came across this, well, whatever it is, and by the look of it, I wanted it...Not sure why, but definitely had drawn my attention. big pump, 2 filters, heaps of SS in a nice frame, a hot water source, and all automated. I suspect this something for...
  14. Maple

    Off The Wall Idea Perhaps

    I have a tree that full of ripe mandarines, and got to thinking, what if i boil up some water and perhaps add a bit of DME, chuck in a tree full of slightly smashed mandarines to boil for a bit, and cool it down, and adding some yeasties in to do there thing. Anyone ever tried something similar...
  15. Maple

    White Labs Yeast Supplier - Melbourne

    do any of the Melbourne AHB guys out there know where to get white labs yeast locally? the LHBS i frequent sells the wyeast, but looking to try some of the white labs strains. Not sure about ordering interstate via post (temp swings and all) so thought i'd see what y'all are doin? Maple.
  16. Maple

    Gas Burner Leak

    I have a 32 jet Rambo and it has a leak. on the bottom of the cast iron ring there are 4 points (i call em feet) which sit the burner up above the ground about 1 or 2 mm. one of these feet has worn clear through and there is now a hole into the ring where the gas will leak out Wondering if...
  17. Maple

    Hop Growing

    With all the talk of growing hops, and "wet-hop additions", adn harvest brews, I thought about starting a few vines, but in reading about it, I came across several mentions that the plants are poisonous to dogs. I have 2 big Golden Retriever brewing assistants, who seem to get into all sorts of...
  18. Maple

    Triple M - Brew Comp

    Seems Triple M are haveing a beer slogan - Marketing Comp. A freind mentioned it to me this morning. a bit of fun perhaps. Have a look for yourselves, not sure what it's about, but thought I'd post it here. BarleyCorn Brewers Maple
  19. Maple

    Co2 Bottle Storage Question

    Wondering of anyone knows if CO2 bottles can be stored on their side while hooked up to a Regulator? I want to maximise the use of the room, and looking to put the CO2 bottle on top of the fridge (securely, of course), but unsure if you can use it in a horizontal position. Any help on this...