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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. tcraig20

    Australias Best Beer?

    Sail and anchor and Clancys in Freo both have it from time to time. Is the Pacific Ale just the Draught Ale relabelled? I used to love the draught ale when I lived in NSW, but the pacific ale tastes a little different. Im trying to work out whether its different, if I dont like it as well as a...
  2. tcraig20

    Carbonating Bottle Beer Without A Keg Or Priming

    I know one guy who primes with dry ice...
  3. tcraig20

    Dollar Reaches Parity...

    Mind you... if I can get 5 pounds of hops overseas for half the price I can here, I can take the wife out for dinner. Otherwise, I can buy hops locally and stay home. Hard to say which is economically better. Consider though that for every dollar I spend overseas I make life a little easier...
  4. tcraig20

    Maybe it's just the things that I read, but Ive always found amazon to be cheaper than the book depository, even after shipping. I tend to buy a couple of hundred dollars of books at a time, bringing down the overall shipping cost. If you are buying single books, the book depository all the way.
  5. tcraig20

    Kolsch Glass

    I serve my kolsches from palladio glasses: Not exact, but close enough for my purposes.
  6. tcraig20

    What Do I Need For Bulmers Cider Keg?

    My memory of Bulmers is that it is more carbonated from the bottle than normal draught beer. I've had both bottled and draught and found the draught variety lacking due it being carbonated to the same pressure as the rest of the (beer) kegs.
  7. tcraig20

    Dollar Reaches Parity...

    Thanks Bum, It looks a bit to Jamil's in brewing classic styles (although I dont have the book with at the moment to check). To be fair Jamil says that it's a Pliny the Elder 'inspired' beer, so I may have been wrong to call it a clone. Good one to ferret away for later reference though.
  8. tcraig20

    Dollar Reaches Parity...

    Ive been eyeing off Jamil's Pliny the Elder clone. Ross has warrior, but its a little more than some other varieties (to be expected I guess). Its good to know that super alpha would make a reasonable sub though. A beer that big needs a lot of planning, so its something to think about.
  9. tcraig20

    Dollar Reaches Parity...

    OT again, that's partly the case. Its also partly a lack of demand for foreign currencies (most especially the USD, but also the pound and euro) that is driving up the dollar. The US Fed in particular have created an astronomical amount of money in the last couple of years. As supply increases...
  10. tcraig20

    Swing Top Bottles

    Thanks for the help guys - I didnt think they'd be a problem, just wanted some confirmation.
  11. tcraig20

    Swing Top Bottles

    Im planning a few big beers in the coming months (IIPAs and barleywines) and have a stack of grolsch-type bottles around. Does anyone have any idea what the shelf life for beer in these bottles are? I imagine that the rubber seal would degrade eventually?
  12. tcraig20

    How Do I Brew Tooheys New?

    I was given some kit beer a while back that reminded me of New. The brewer told me that it was a kit + 1 kg of table sugar. I cant remember what the kit was - probably a Coopers lager tin. Anyway, a relatively high proportion of sugar is going to be needed to get something close to New.
  13. tcraig20

    Robinox Vs Trenton

    I cant speak for the Robinox pots, but I bought a 60L ally Trenton from allquip. Its a well made pot that will served me for many years to come. Perhaps the Robinox pots are better (I dont know), but I doubt that I'd notice the difference for brewing purposes.
  14. tcraig20

    European Larger Advice Requested

    One of the best kits I ever made was a coopers euro kit. It ran something along the lines of the kit, 500g ldme, 250g dex, 300g steeped weyermann carahell, 10g saaz and 10g hallertau @ 30 min, 10g saaz and 10g hallertau @5 min, S-189 yeast. I think that the coopers lager yeast in the kit is...
  15. tcraig20

    Moving To Kegging

    In the keg - its basically a big bottle with a tap on it :)
  16. tcraig20

    Moving To Kegging

    Unfortunately, the answer is 'depends'. It depends on which method you use to carb your keg - if you force carb it will be ready to go immediately. If you naturally carb, it will take a few weeks. It also depends on the style - some styles are good to drink right away, others benefit from a...
  17. tcraig20

    Do You Ever Get Carried Away In Your Home Brew Shop ?

    Last trip to the HBS I walked out with three bags of unintended grain. I love wandering around in the grain room smelling the merchandise :)
  18. tcraig20

    Risks With Bottling At 1016?

    That should give an FG of around 1.012. I definitely wouldnt bottle. Give the fermenter a little wobble, sometimes yeast can get a little lazy and go to sleep (like most of us after a few).
  19. tcraig20

    Risks With Bottling At 1016?

    What ingredients did you put in it?
  20. tcraig20

    Political Correctness.....

    I used to be much the same - until some harlot screeched at me for having the audacity to call her a 'lady'. These days, I go out of my way to help those most likely to have values that will appreciate what Im trying to do (i.e. anyone over 60). Im really not sure where we stand today - when...