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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. S

    Bug Juice

    Ha! what do you mean! there is already 2 steaks in every beer :lol:
  2. S


    well im a reasonably new brewer too. and i was wondering what a fair price for a carboy was?. 25-30 litre ones mainly. ive seen some of those 10 or 15L ones, but i reckon they would only be good for experiments. so what kind of price range am i looking at?
  3. S

    KISS Beer

    hi all. i too have just cruised in from ocau. thanks for the heads up vinds. this is one im trying to replicate at the moment, my mates old man makes this one. coopers real ale 1kg White sugar. yes not dextrose etc rest as per instructions. thing is after i bottled he informed me that he adds...