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  1. M

    Mangrove Jacks as the 2nd brew

    Thanks, I like that idea! I will give it a go.
  2. M

    Mangrove Jacks as the 2nd brew

    3 weeks in the bottle and this is tasting great. Can really smell the galaxy hops. 1 thing I have noticed and you'll see in this photo, its much darker now its been in the bottle than the original hydrometer reading (photo above). Would this be due to oxidation?
  3. M

    Newbie from Sunshine Coast

    Was sitting around 20 degrees
  4. M

    Newbie from Sunshine Coast

    Hi All, I just completed my 3rd brew, which was the coopers B side IPA. At the end of bottling when I took the lid of the stainless fermenter I noticed a black yeast krausen ring. It tasted fine (actually the best of the 3 I've done so far in my view) when testing the final gravity. Is this...
  5. M

    Mangrove Jacks as the 2nd brew

    I am keen to learn and see kits as a good starting point. Got to learn to crawl before you walk... The small batch was gains, so that was good good experience. It's only a week in the bottle so I don't know what it tastes like just yet and I may continue with those, especially as it just a...
  6. M

    Sunshine Coast Brewers

    New brewing and to the coast. Would be interested to know more about the group.
  7. M

    Coopers Lager - 21L

    Hey mate as a newbie too I completely understand where your coming from. I guess the key for us newbies is to just let the process take its course, take notes and continue to learn what not to do next time. Will be good to see how it all turns out
  8. M

    Mangrove Jacks as the 2nd brew

    Over the weekend I put down my 2nd batch. The first was the small batch 5lt (only got just over 3lts) kit from smallbatchbrew. Good first run for BIAB. Currently 1 week in the bottle so a few more to go... This run was from a mates leftovers. Used the MJ SS fermentor and the kits that came with...
  9. M

    Stone & Wood Pacific Ale

    I'm going to have a go at the OP's recipe as I've got a Managrove Jack's golden lager and pure liquid malt extract from their craft series. Add in the 100g of galaxy which is coming next week. And I should get a good drop. I'm a big of S&W. I was lucky enough to visit them the day they were...
  10. M

    Newbie from Sunshine Coast

    Put down the small batch yesterday as my first go. Took forever following the instructions, washing and sanistising everything. It all seems ok with it bubbling away this morning. Had a few problems which I think have lead to the low OG - 1.034 (kit says it should have been 1.051) 1. The bag...
  11. M

    Newbie from Sunshine Coast

    But you'd have to know who started the thread to begin with right? Hard when your just clicking on a link in another post...
  12. M

    Newbie from Sunshine Coast

    In Wurtulla. I’ve sent Scott a message already on here this week, but haven’t heard anything back. Are you on the coast?
  13. M

    Newbie from Sunshine Coast

    Why is it, that everytime I search a topic and then need to click on a link to somewhere else in the forum I get the; "Oops! We ran into some problems." And "The requested page could not be found" It's every time...
  14. M

    Stainless Fermenters

    Thanks Mark, Do you have one of these?
  15. M

    Stainless Fermenters

    Rehashing this old thread as I've finally now got my hands on a mates MJ SS fermenter, and want to know if it's hard to remove the tap for cleaning? It seems after reading through 9 pages that the tab can removed, but no one has mentioned if its hard to do.
  16. M

    Frequently Asked Questions For The New Brewer

    Well, I've just gone through 18 pages and picked up on some good points. I don't think I will remember them all. But definitely a reference point.
  17. M

    Newbie from Sunshine Coast

    Thanks bradmcm, sounds like its a winner
  18. M

    Newbie from Sunshine Coast

    Good question Engibeer. It's a very basic 25lt. He said he got from a home brew store, so I think its designed for brewing and not just stainless tank.
  19. M

    Newbie from Sunshine Coast

    So an update. An old mate got into home brew and then quickly got out. He's one of those guys who's got every toy and then loses interest just as quickly as he got into something, hes going to give me his mangrove jack kit he's got laying around. He also got a stainless steel fermenter that...