Babbs June Meeting

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Brisbane Amateur Beer Brewers (BABBs) monthly meeting will be held Thursday June 23rd, 2011 at Lynndon Bowls Club, Galsworthy Street, Holland Park, Qld.
Arrive 7:30pm for an 8:00pm start.

Visitors are always welcome. Bring along a few of your beers to share and compare.

This month's minicomp is Dark Ales.
At time of entry beer must be nominated into one of BABB's beer classes:
5.1 (Mild), 5.2 (Southern English Brown Ale), 5.3 (Northern English Brown Ale), 5.4 (Irish Red Ale), 5.5 (Scottish Ale), 5.6 (Australian Dark Ale), 5.7 (Northern German Altbier), or 5.8 (Dsseldorf Altbier).
Aww man, I can't remember the last meeting I was at, but it seems I am always interstate when it's on.
I will return... when I get the opportunity.
Sorry chaps, due to circumstances beyond my control I can't make it tonight (and I had a lift :angry: ).
I hand over the right to make inane statements like "Pretty dark for a lager" when judging Irish Reds, to Florian just for this month.
The battle of the milds should be a good one this me ting :icon_cheers: .
Sorry chaps, due to circumstances beyond my control I can't make it tonight (and I had a lift :angry: ).
I hand over the right to make inane statements like "Pretty dark for a lager" when judging Irish Reds, to Florian just for this month.
The battle of the milds should be a good one this me ting :icon_cheers: .

I feel your pain winkle. Cant make it either, bummer!
It seems my sweet talkin gene has let me down again this month.
Who would think family would take precidence over a brew meet? sheesh!! uncomprehendable! or more so, ...FFS! {kicks cat. Goes to fridge }
I feel your pain winkle. Cant make it either, bummer!
It seems my sweet talkin gene has let me down again this month.
Who would think family would take precidence over a brew meet? sheesh!! uncomprehendable! or more so, ...FFS!

I can't make it again this month either. So I am drinking pints of my 2.9% mild in protest :angry: . After dinner its time to keg the 6.5% AIPA. Could get messy and end up kegging the 7% IPA.

Have fun fellas
Shit, looks like a quiet one then.....! :( Bummer guys, should be a good mini-comp tonight.

I'm lucky in that I just tell SWMBO "it's BABBs this Thursday, remember?", she shrugs, says OK, and off I go. She's a keeper ;)

Catch you all at the July Swap then, I suppose!

Shit, looks like a quiet one then.....! :( Bummer guys, should be a good mini-comp tonight.

I'm lucky in that I just tell SWMBO "it's BABBs this Thursday, remember?", she shrugs, says OK, and off I go. She's a keeper ;)

Catch you all at the July Swap then, I suppose!


Keepers !!! Ive kept mine for 22 years. Probably because beer & Babbs comes 2nd. Oh well!I can still make beer without Babbs But a virile middle ager still needs... well, you know,.... a happy household.
Enjoy young fella. :D
I hand over the right to make inane statements like "Pretty dark for a lager" when judging Irish Reds, to Florian just for this month.

Sorry, I won't be able to make it either. My wife is in Perth all week, so I can't leave my daughter at home alone while possibly risking to drink drive :eek:
Plus, I've got playgroup at my place tomorrow morning, so I have to prepare for a house full of young mums.

I hand over the privilege to Nick, but you have to report back at the swap how you went.
Umm, ok. My efforts will likely be...ummm...ok, maybe. Oh well, will take up the reigns I suppose! ;)
Was a great meeting to attend last night. Some very tasty beer floating around.

I think it's time to dust off the old cheque book and join...
Great meeting even though a lot of the usual suspects could't get there, including Ross with the flu. And as usual new guests rolling up " Been brewing for a few years now - just All Grain with my quintuple decoction full tower eight vessel steam powered brew plant.....". I don't know where these guys have been hiding but I sometimes think that BABBs and AHB are just the tip of some iceberg of underground brewing. :huh:

Pocket beers won with a Northern English Brown. Stouts and porters next month, better get my marga out B)
Liam had an excellent example of an Aussie Dark.
I think there was a 40 point Alt that had been selected as not for points too...
42 I believe, but unfortunately we were lumped with the beer he decided to 'blend into the bottle'... Ahem. 22.5 should show you how good it was. To paraphrase Bonj - 'shall I enter the beer that is pretty much to style, or the one where I go bam bam bam bam from a few taps and see what happens'.....

Sorry Liam, the one we judged 'weren't good'...... :)

It's all just a giggle in the end. My 1st place QABC aussie dark ended got smashed with about 20 pts. Its going up in a head to head with Liam's 42 pointer and a Tooheys Old in a 3 way blind tasting this week end to put things in perspective for both Liam and me.


I'm guessing that's blind as in after the two of you have consumed a keg each before turning your attention to these beers...


It's all just a giggle in the end. My 1st place QABC aussie dark ended got smashed with about 20 pts. Its going up in a head to head with Liam's 42 pointer and a Tooheys Old in a 3 way blind tasting this week end to put things in perspective for both Liam and me.



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