First Hops Addition

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due to availability limitations in my area (finland - only one non-industry brew shop in the whole freakin' country), have been doing kit&kilo's for some time now

finally got my hands on some hops recently, so have the following: Coopers brewmaster pilsner, dextrose and saaz dry pellets. any suggestions for my plan of attack would be great.
how much dex are you using? how much hops?

I'd do something simple and boil the dex and hops for say 15 mins, add the can and boil for another 10, then pour into fermenter.
finland? why not mail order from the uk? Cant imagine it would be too costly, or come over on the ferry for a homebrew run and stock up!
due to availability limitations in my area (finland - only one non-industry brew shop in the whole freakin' country), have been doing kit&kilo's for some time now

finally got my hands on some hops recently, so have the following: Coopers brewmaster pilsner, dextrose and saaz dry pellets. any suggestions for my plan of attack would be great.

Without knowing how much pellets you have, but assuming 50g, do something simple like half the pellets for 30 mins, kit & dextrose for 15, remaining pellets @5 or so minutes to go.
This will add some bitterness and some of the saaz flavour to your kit.

In my opinion, and bear in mind this is a subject that divides, loosely adhering to, allowing for variations with beer, the following procedure always makes for a better kit beer.
It is always worth reading a little about the style of beer you want to produce, whether it wants flavour hops, aroma hops etc

Bittering hops for 30-45 minutes, you can go as far as 60 too. This is best done with at least a small amount of malt for efficiency in extracting the hop bitterness. It depends on the hops and the beer.

Kit, malt, dextrose, whichever it is, for 15. Readings I have done suggests that 15 is the best balance between achieving a good boil and not starting to darken your wort too much.

Flavour hops for 10 minutes, or even 5. You don't want to boil them too long as they will tend towards being bittering hops.

Aroma hops @end. You can start to get into dry hopping etc in secondary but to start with putting hops in a stocking or nylon bag at the end and then in the fermenter will give you a good start aroma wise.
They tend not to give you a strong hop aroma done like this, but then maybe I just wasn't using enough...

This method worked well for me when I was doing kit & kilos. Adding hops and some malt extract and/or dextrose makes a big improvement.
If you can get some I would highly recommend that you substitute some of the dextrose for malt either liquid (unhopped) or dry.

I would boil some of the malt and water with 20-30g of hops for 20minutes then add another g/l of hops right at the end of the boil for aroma. The use of malt over dextrose in the boil will increase the hop utilisation. The additional benefit of using some malt in exchange for dextrose will lead to more body and a better flavour profile.

If you can get some I would highly recommend that you substitute some of the dextrose for malt either liquid (unhopped) or dry.

I would boil some of the malt and water with 20-30g of hops for 20minutes then add another g/l of hops right at the end of the boil for aroma. The use of malt over dextrose in the boil will increase the hop utilisation. The additional benefit of using some malt in exchange for dextrose will lead to more body and a better flavour profile.


Likewise. I prefer to boil hops with malt rather than dextrose.
If you can't get any malt boil the hops with about 100g of the Coopers kit in 750ml water. That should give you an SG of around the mid 1040's which should give fairly standard hop utilisation.
Then add the rest of the ingredients.
thanks for the speedy replies peoples

as it was my first hopping experience, i decided to go with a coopers lager kit before trying the pilsner.
(the local supermarket supplies coopers lager imports, so i can screw those up as much as i want - the pilsner however i purchased along with the saaz pellets down in helsinki: 6 hours away)

hop_monkey: i'm swinging on a frayed and mouldy shoe-string budget over here - i would love to mail order from uk (or sweden for that matter - which is right nextdoor, but i seriously can't afford it).

the brew shop i mentioned only had one bag of chocolate malt on stock. that was it for malts, nothing else. oh yes - i would use malts if i could. only thing i can really get my hands here on is rye malt (not exactly lager friendly...)

twas 100g of pellets, so i've got enough for a few tries more. i decided to keep it simple:

Coopers lager kit, 1kg dextrose, 25g Saaz hops, kit yeast
rehydrated yeast. brought 3L water to a boil. added all hops & dextrose, boil ceased after adding ingredients, before coming to what i think was the 'hot break'. boiled for roughly 15mins
added kit - boil lulled for about 7 mins, before coming to the 2nd 'hot break'. boiled for further 8 mins.
strained into fermentor. filled to 23L. OG: 1040 (i completely screwed up with the temperature of the tap water when filling it to 23L, complete wort came to over 30c when i usually get it spot on 23c every time)
activated yeast with wort sample. yeast pitched at 28c (90 freakin minutes later - couldn't wait any longer, too paranoid about infection). fermentor placed in sauna (14-16c).

as this was my first boil (was this even enough to call it a mini-mash??), i wasn't sure about the ceases in the boil and reaching the hot break twice. will that have caused me any problems??

i hope it turns out. criticize my procedure at will: i need it.

thanks for the speedy replies peoples

as it was my first hopping experience, i decided to go with a coopers lager kit before trying the pilsner.
(the local supermarket supplies coopers lager imports, so i can screw those up as much as i want - the pilsner however i purchased along with the saaz pellets down in helsinki: 6 hours away)

hop_monkey: i'm swinging on a frayed and mouldy shoe-string budget over here - i would love to mail order from uk (or sweden for that matter - which is right nextdoor, but i seriously can't afford it).

the brew shop i mentioned only had one bag of chocolate malt on stock. that was it for malts, nothing else. oh yes - i would use malts if i could. only thing i can really get my hands here on is rye malt (not exactly lager friendly...)

twas 100g of pellets, so i've got enough for a few tries more. i decided to keep it simple:

Coopers lager kit, 1kg dextrose, 25g Saaz hops, kit yeast
rehydrated yeast. brought 3L water to a boil. added all hops & dextrose, boil ceased after adding ingredients, before coming to what i think was the 'hot break'. boiled for roughly 15mins
added kit - boil lulled for about 7 mins, before coming to the 2nd 'hot break'. boiled for further 8 mins.
strained into fermentor. filled to 23L. OG: 1040 (i completely screwed up with the temperature of the tap water when filling it to 23L, complete wort came to over 30c when i usually get it spot on 23c every time)
activated yeast with wort sample. yeast pitched at 28c (90 freakin minutes later - couldn't wait any longer, too paranoid about infection). fermentor placed in sauna (14-16c).

as this was my first boil (was this even enough to call it a mini-mash??), i wasn't sure about the ceases in the boil and reaching the hot break twice. will that have caused me any problems??

i hope it turns out. criticize my procedure at will: i need it.

You don't really need to worry about terms like mini-mash until you start using grains that require mashing...
Your procedure there is pretty much spot on to what I used to do with kits.
Bittering hops for a while, anywhere between 60 and 30, though as I believe was mentioned in one of the earlier posts it is best to do this with malt if you can...
Kit for around 15. You can do this longer for a darker beer.
Top up with water in the fermenter and mix well.
You don't really need to worry about infection when leaving your wort before adding the yeast.
You don't want to leave it for days or anything but 90 minutes+ shouldn't be an issue.
You could also think about adding some flavour or aroma hops, 10 minutes and end but for now I think you will find what you have done produces a pretty drinkable beverage...

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