My New Esky Manifold

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Well, I knew a new manifold had to be made, and I knew I wanted it to be soldered not just pin punched.

So I went out and purchased a MAPP burner and some silver solder rods and taught myself how to do it....cant be too hard I thought, plumbers do it all the time :D
It didnt take me too long to get the hang of it once I worked out the hottest part of the flame, and I found a good tip on the web that said "heat the fitting, not the pipe!". Still, Im no expert but its good enough for this job.

The pics are with my mobile phone, they are not the best but its the easiest way to get them to the PC at the moment.




The end section is unsoldered for a quick removal for cleaning. If I find that it comes off during operation I will solder it too but I reckon it should be ok.
The slots were cut using an angle grinder with a 1mm cutting disc @ 15mm part. Much quicker than the old hacksaw.


As you will all see this is basically a copy of the one Sammy made, however I took it a step further. I remember his saying that he would have preferred to have the middle tube come straight back to the tap (which makes sense), but it was only when I was finishing up that I thought my soldering was good enough to attempt the modification, otherwise I would have made it differently from the beginning.

When the manifold was at the stage of Sammy's I took to it with the Dremel, boring a little hole in the T pieces in line with the tap and the centre tube. I then spanned the gap with a short section of tube to which I had filed a concave groove in the ends the same profile as the T pieces. I only had to squeeze this in place and solder the joins. And it works a treat. Testing it with the hose before the mod no water came out of the centre tube, but now it does.

Thanks to Sammy for showing me the pics of his manifold, and to he and others as well for pointing me in the direction of John Palmer's directions on making manifolds.

Great job JakeChan

You did use lead free silver solder ( food grade )?

did you say you did not solder all the joins so you could pull apart and clean .?

Pumpy :)
Does indeed look the goods. I hope it is able to be pulled apart if it ever gets blocked?
Great job JakeChan

You did use lead free silver solder ( food grade )?

did you say you did not solder all the joins so you could pull apart and clean .?

Pumpy :)

I didnt specifically ask for lead free solder, but yes, its silver 15%. Having bought all the copper and the MAPP from a good plumbing supply shop I would be surprised to hear that any plumber would be using lead in their solder.

Yes, the end comes off.

As you will all see this is basically a copy of the one Sammy made, however I took it a step further. I remember his saying that he would have preferred to have the middle tube come straight back to the tap (which makes sense), but it was only when I was finishing up that I thought my soldering was good enough to attempt the modification, otherwise I would have made it differently from the beginning.

I was looking at it thinking "where the hell did he get a 4 way connector", and then I read the above. Good job!
Testing it with the hose before the mod no water came out of the centre tube, but now it does.

Another method for testing the liquid flow through the manifold is to fill the mash tun with water, and then start draining through the manifold while adding drops of food colouring into the water. This will give you an idea of how well it is flowing through the various sections of the manifold.
Just thought I should report in that my new manifold is bloody wonderful!

I did 2 brews today and it worked perfectly the whole time. :)


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