RecipeDB - Trenchfoot Bavarian Weizen

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Trenchfoot Bavarian Weizen

Wheat - Weizen/Weissbier
All Grain
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Brewer's Notes

For simplicity I single step infuse for my mash at 66.5 degrees for 75 minutes and I then batch sparge.

Pitch yeast at 12 degrees and ferment at 18.

I bottle condition hence the 12 weeks, although I typically drink around week 15 onwards, which yes is an unusually long time - its just how I enjoy it. Condition as you please.

Malt & Fermentables

% KG Fermentable
3.2 kg JWM Wheat Malt
3.2 kg Weyermann Pilsner


Time Grams Variety Form AA
40 g Liberty (Pellet, 4.3AA%, 60mins)


12 g DCL Yeast WB-06 - German Wheat


1 tsp Yeast Nutrient
23L Batch Size

Brew Details

  • Original Gravity 1.054 (calc)
  • Final Gravity 1.016 (calc)
  • Bitterness 18.6 IBU
  • Efficiency 60%
  • Alcohol 4.93%
  • Colour 9 EBC


  • Primary 14 days
  • Conditioning 12 days
For a wheat its a little long, but I've brewed this a number of times and it tastes 'green' anything under about 8 weeks. I've found (my own opinion) the flavour profile is best around 12-15 weeks, just my own taste :)
Fair enough, if that's what suits you. It's one of the beauties of brewing your own, that you can make it exactly to suit you. :beerbang:
For reference the guy up the road from me (sort of a mentor and assistant) brews a near idential recipe (he just uses different hops) and he typically drinks around week 2-3. So as you say its whatever floats ya boat. :icon_chickcheers:

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