What's The Longest You've Waited For A Beerbelly Hopscreen?

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What's The Longest You've Waited For A BeerBelly Hopscreen?

  • 1 week

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  • 2 weeks

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  • 3 weeks

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  • 4 weeks

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  • 5 weeks +

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Barley Belly

Head Brewer - Barley Belly Brewery
Reaction score
Just wondering on some other people's hop screen buying experiences from BeerBelly?
personally ive waited awhile but wayne makes the best gear so im not worried about how long it takes so long as i get it.
ive actually thought about getting one myself
Never bought anything from him but I read a lot of posts that suggest he sometimes takes a while.

I have however, never ever read one that suggests the workmanship is anything less than impeccable.

No affiliation and all that schmozzle - I just appreciate the idea of people taking time and care to make something of quality that will last. Lost art these days.
Is this really neccesary? I take it you have called him? No wonder the long time brewers/posters give us newer forum members a hard time for dribbling shit!
Is this really neccesary?
Not to mention the fact that most people would never have ordered more than 1 so its hard to get a comparison.
Seems a pretty irrelevant question for the type of item being purchased.
personally ive waited awhile but wayne makes the best gear so im not worried about how long it takes so long as i get it.
ive actually thought about getting one myself

Barls, it's definitely worth getting one. I know an effective screen can be made for less money but I'm glad I got one when I purchased my most recent kettle from the same supplier.
the only thing stopping me is the dollars atm. Ill put it on the list and see if the wife gets it for me
I apologise for the :icon_offtopic: but do these things work with a shitload of hop pellets & if they do how fast can you safely drain the kettle without the pellets clogging up the hopscreen?

One of the more odd polls I've ever seen created on this site. :blink:

Maybe I should start a poll too about how many people here get their bins overlooked by the garbos because they smell of spent grain.

Has the garbo missed your bin:

a- once this year
b- twice
c- all the time it always smells like crap as I brew so much.
d- I don't care, I'm just angry at the world in general.

Maybe someone needs to relax and have a homebrew.

Call Wayne, discuss the time frame, but using the site as a place to vent against a retailer who has served this community
so well just seems as silly as my suggestion.

I apologise for the :icon_offtopic: but do these things work with a shitload of hop pellets & if they do how fast can you safely drain the kettle without the pellets clogging up the hopscreen?


I havn't got an answer for you Pete but I too would be interested as well. If your system allows a good whirlpool I would assume they are fine. Check out my avatar that is 162g off hops being flowers, plugs and pellets, OTTOMH 90-100g of that is pellets. The main clump in the centre is mostly the pellets while the outer part is the flower/plugs. This was drained off using the copper pipe and stainless scrunchie no problems with blockages but it took nearly an hour to drain 66L.
I was only looking at these the other day as an option and I can wait for quality fittings. A good tradesmans work is worth the wait.

Maybe someone needs to relax and have a homebrew.

Call Wayne, discuss the time frame, but using the site as a place to vent against a retailer who has served this community
so well just seems as silly as my suggestion.


Totally agree with on this one HoppingMad if you have an issue with delivery times, workmanship etc.... take it up with the vendor first before posting a poll.
When it comes Wayne's workmanship I consider it the same way you would of something handmade by a Master Chef vs something a pimpley faced kid chucked together at Mc Donalds, everyone wants it it now and no one is willing to wait, but the best takes time to make.

The fast food mentality of today has a lot to answer for....

All good things come to those who wait
There are 3 options:

High quality
Good price

You only get to choose 2.
Get a 30cm cirle of swiss voile, put your hops in the middle of it, take up the sides and tie a piece of string around it. Throw it in your boiling kettle. Take it out when you're finished.

A rocket scientist taught me this. :p
I think the time taken to fill an order will be dependent on how busy the workshop is, and the time of year. Shoot them an email and find out the expected delivery, then you know before you order.

I have bought a few things from BB, and its all been good stuff, with prompt email support.
I'll open up a can of worms.

I have recently bought a few things from beerbelly and it is great stuff. I will also be buying a number of other things from them in the future. I do have issues with their customer service however. Dont get me wrong, they are very helpful and always willing to offer advice which is greatly appreciated. The problem i had is that for two weeks running i had been told to expect my order and had planned a brew accordingly, set aside one day of my weekend only to not have it arrive. Three separate times i rang i was told it would be sent that day, or was sent yesterday or whatever. Bottom line is they didn't do what they said and i didn't receive my gear when i should have and my weekend plans were stuffed up twice. I appreciate that they are busy and i dont mind waiting for my gear. What i dont like is being told to expect it and it never arrives. Just tell the truth and dont stuff me around.

So essentially, its great stuff but dont expect to get it quickly. Mine took 8 weeks.

I want to finish again by saying how great their gear is. It is really unrivaled in the industry. They are extremely helpful if you ever give them a call and are very friendly. They also told me they are going to update their website and online ordering system etc so this should hopefully make for smoother sailing.
One of the more odd polls I've ever seen created on this site. :blink:

Maybe I should start a poll too about how many people here get their bins overlooked by the garbos because they smell of spent grain.

Has the garbo missed your bin:

a- once this year
b- twice
c- all the time it always smells like crap as I brew so much.
d- I don't care, I'm just angry at the world in general.

Maybe someone needs to relax and have a homebrew.

Call Wayne, discuss the time frame, but using the site as a place to vent against a retailer who has served this community
so well just seems as silly as my suggestion.


I agree that venting against a supplier when obviously you haven't questioned them is wrong. I think most people on this site however would know this.

In response to the new poll of garbos having to deal with spent grain in the bin. Go out and get some chooks. They love the stuff. It also turns into a nice fertiliser for the garden in no time.
I've had no problems with the garbo. Spent grains go out in the vege patch. I dig them in and it seems beneficial for the garden. It may help that these days I only brew about once a month so the garden has no trouble coping. I know Hopper was joking with his poll but it's as valid as the original poll.

TP, I brew to a final volume anywhere between 18L-23L. Hop load ranges from 20g to 180g. I whirlpool and have had no trouble so far with draining, even with all pellet brews. I can drain the kettle as quick as practical for the plate chiller.
I've had no problems with the garbo. Spent grains go out in the vege patch. I dig them in and it seems beneficial for the garden. It may help that these days I only brew about once a month so the garden has no trouble coping. I know Hopper was joking with his poll but it's as valid as the original poll.

:lol: There you go. And I was taking the piss! Maybe I should start up a few crazy polls of my own (could be dangerous that!)

Thanks for the suggestions about chooks Brad05, am considering getting a couple. Have 9kg of spent grain from the weekend that I don't think the garbos will take so might consider digging it in for now. Hopefully it doesn't stink up the place!

Anyhow- apologies for the lighthearted highjack and all, I'll let everyone get back to dissing retailers :ph34r:

Totally agree with on this one HoppingMad if you have an issue with delivery times, workmanship etc.... take it up with the vendor first before posting a poll.
When it comes Wayne's workmanship I consider it the same way you would of something handmade by a Master Chef vs something a pimpley faced kid chucked together at Mc Donalds, everyone wants it it now and no one is willing to wait, but the best takes time to make.

The fast food mentality of today has a lot to answer for....

All good things come to those who wait
Isn't the pimply faced kid still on master chef?

I support beerbelly.
took him a couple days to do mine...and there's no "less than 1 week" option <_<

TidalPete: I pump out of my kettle full speed with the march pump, never clogged anything.

Nick JD: There's a reason people don't use those stupid little bags, and it's not because its some brand new cutting edge technology that hasn't caught on yet

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