Bairds greyhound racing ban.

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Le roi est mort..
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I can count on one hand the number of times I've gambled in my life, but my old man (semi retired) not only sits on the board of directors of the local club, but knows dozens of people whos livelihood was basically just extinguished.
If this ******* tool (Baird) would like pop in for a visit, I'll take him for a enlightening tour of the local pet food supplier and show him where the slow race horses end up.
Hopefully he'll ban that also. Last time I checked, greyhounds ran of their own accord without the aid of midgets on their backs flogging them with leather crops.
Yep, there are many around the hunter region whom make a living from greyhound racing and not everyone uses these shoddy techniques to produce winners.
Holy shitballs.....thats not going to go down well at all
It's all to do with shutting down Wentworth Park so that Baird's donors can redevelop it as apartments.
Bribie G said:
It's all to do with shutting down Wentworth Park so that Baird's donors can redevelop it as apartments.
I totally agree. Watch this space it will end up like Harold park.
sp0rk said:
As a rescued greyhound owner, I support this move
You don't see it as a ludicrous double standard?
I rescued my dog from a trainer who wasn't able to look after their dogs humanely, so no I don't
If there was no cruelty going on, I would have adopted a different breed.
There has been coverups coming from the top of the organisation down, they only have themselves to blame
And it coming "out of the blue" is a load of crap, they have been warned and punished for this stuff for years, they obviously had no interest in changing what they were doing
...I wonder what'll happen to all the NSW Greyhounds come July 30 2017,
12 months to wrap up an entire industry statewide seems pretty harsh.
They are closing down the Racing side, but does that mean the puppy farms are closed down as well? Unless the other states follow suit it just transfers the problem over the border.
sp0rk said:
I rescued my dog from a trainer who wasn't able to look after their dogs humanely, so no I don't
If there was no cruelty going on, I would have adopted a different breed.
There has been coverups coming from the top of the organisation down, they only have themselves to blame
And it coming "out of the blue" is a load of crap, they have been warned and punished for this stuff for years, they obviously had no interest in changing what they were doing
My parents have also adopted more greyhounds than I can remember over the years. 'They' is very blunt tool.
Dave70 said:
My parents have also adopted more greyhounds than I can remember over the years. 'They' is very blunt tool.
I will admit the majority of owners aren't the problem, I know people who race and they love their dogs and treat them well
But something had to give, nothing was changing
Well that's what happens when the industry allows the fuckwit minority to carry on with their crap as normal. I won't shed a tear they had plenty of time to clean up their act.
It's a simple economic and political decision. The industry isn't moving around enough money to get away with the practices they chose to adopt. If they were shifting around as much money as chook farmers or horse racing they could get away with some dodgy shit. Seems like the greyhound racing industry was unable to re-invent itself with a more positive image once the spotlight has been pointed at them. The politicians will of course take an opportunity to ride the ethical high horse while navigating using the ever popular moral compass. It's easy to ban an industry with a tarnished image, especially when the majority of population has no direct links to it.
If the greyhound industry is similar to the horse racing industry they'd all know each other and what went on at kennels or training tracks, be intimately familiar with the available stock / bloodlines / odds whatever, so "they" had plenty of time to do something about matters.
However if the good breeders turned a blind eye to the activities of a minority, possibly in fear of a visit from a kick boxing club if they pried too deeply, then as in other activities it's a pity the decent ones had to suffer for the rotten apples in the barrel.
Bribie G said:
It's all to do with shutting down Wentworth Park so that Baird's donors can redevelop it as apartments.

Casino Mike is all about selling off public land to his developer mates.

The light rail is another "preparation" for a sale, along with the bridge to nowhere near SCG.

Selling off the land on which the Powerhouse museum is built

Selling off barangaroo

Selling our electricity assets
Let's face it - the real issue here is that there's no use for dog meat.

Slow horses - Pet meat and supermarket lasagne.
Male dairy cattle - Human meat and supermarket lasagne.

Supermarket lasagne just needs to extend itself a bit I reckon ;)
GalBrew said:
Well that's what happens when the industry allows the fuckwit minority to carry on with their crap as normal. I won't shed a tear they had plenty of time to clean up their act.
Does that mean we can soon look forward to a ban on religion? They've had 2000 years to clean up their act.

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