Computer Virus

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I just logged in and had no other windows open and my AVP detected an incomming virus which it denied. I have looked through the AV log and have found previous virus attacks from AHB but this recent one did not say AHB. Just make sure that you have a good AVP and keep it updated regularly. I'm glad I have a good AVP and detects threats before they enter my computer. I have paid for AVP programs in the past which would tell me after they made there way in. Be careful as I have read in a previous post months back that someone got a virus whilst on AHB.
If I remember correctly stacks of blokes got hit by that. Several had to format their PCs I believe. I'm on Linux & have never installed any anti virus/spyware. I've got a (paranoid) mate on Linux who runs checks every now & then, he's never found anything nasty.

That's not why I use Linux, several failed xbox 360s gave me a hatred of all things micro$oft. My crappy old hardware also runs way better on Linux.
must be getting close to chrissie,these days its computer viruses it was once baggage handlers strikes., shit i miss the old days....cheers....spog......
I just logged in and had no other windows open and my AVP detected an incomming virus which it denied. I have looked through the AV log and have found previous virus attacks from AHB but this recent one did not say AHB. Just make sure that you have a good AVP and keep it updated regularly. I'm glad I have a good AVP and detects threats before they enter my computer. I have paid for AVP programs in the past which would tell me after they made there way in. Be careful as I have read in a previous post months back that someone got a virus whilst on AHB.
Been on Linux for 3 years...

Mmmm.... What are these viruses they talk about B)
Shouldn't this virus be in the Off Topic area.

I always thought Apples were a virus that extracted large sums of money from sucker's wallets. :D
And Linux is for poor typists who can only type symbols interspersted with^&() a few letters.

EDIT: carriage return double colon.
Windoze is handy for the people who buy a computer & before taking it out of the box need to call someone to "come round & install the internet on the new computer".

For something that works without having to install a shedload of software ubuntu has no rival in my experience (depending on what you want the computer to do).

Agreed that this thread should be either in the OT section or on whirlpool.
No great problem with Ubuntu except like Windows they have a new upgrade every few months + I have not had much success using Utorrent in Linux but have not tried that hard. And need to copy my firefox bookmarks over to the linux partition
use vuze TP and join private torrents if your not with scab providers that claim uploads as usage lol. I downgraded from 200gb (160 off peak 40 on peak) a month for $89 to 400gb a month (200g on and off) for $69 after first month realised that they hit you for uploads as I went over my data in 12 days :eek: PRICKS!
:icon_offtopic: Thanks for that I am with TPG so no charge for uploads and using Utorrent with Windoze XP
just messing around with ubuntu so the others can go back to sleep. :icon_offtopic:
I've been on Linux pretty much since I started Uni back in '99. Used to upgrade it constantly at first, but now I'm still on Ubuntu 8.04. It has a web browser, movie player and torrent client and runs Beersmith in Wine. That's about all I need these days.
I used to run ubuntu on my xp dual boot laptop until mint 10 came out. Should of used mint years ago. A better distro. My imac is my main computer so no virus issues here either.
No great problem with Ubuntu except like Windows they have a new upgrade every few months + I have not had much success using Utorrent in Linux but have not tried that hard. And need to copy my firefox bookmarks over to the linux partition
Just install one of their LTS (Long Term Support) releases, these are supported for 2 years from the release date. Be warned, you may need to reboot the machine once or twice in this period, though.

I use Transmission, the default BitTorrent client pre-installed on Ubuntu. Works fine.
I have been on Mac since 1989... WOW, that's a long time... 21 years. But get this.. I HAVE had to deal with a few viruses, most notable one I think was called "Autostart 9805" or something like that. It transferred itself onto removable media (CD's zip, floppies etc) and from the removables onto every single machine they were put into. The virus did no damage, and you could stop it by turning off the auto play in Quicktime, but it was a pain in the arse anyway.

But other than that, I have nver used any virus protection, and I am virus free.
Just installed Ubuntu 10 today, I've got it on dual boot right now but once I get around to buying a blank DVD I'll make a windows back up copy and get rid of it. Seems like Ubuntu is the go i turned it on today and even though I had to choose what OS to run, 27 seconds later Firefox was open and i was surfing
Tried Ubuntu as a dual boot option on the brewery computer, it won't setup either of my wireless network cards to work, even after following the internet instructions for doing so. Tossed the install cd in the bin and will be uninstalling it. Gave it a chance and it failed. I love the idea of it, but it requires too much of my time to work with it to get it to work.

Windoze 7 has been brilliant and I got it for $10 as a uni-employee, so cannot complain about the cost.

Oh and Avast (free version) has always found and stopped any virus/trojan whatever, so no complaints there either.

<edit for the anti virus thingy>

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